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时间:2018-06-19 来源:英语作文 点击:


篇一:[求职信英文]How to apply for a job_怎样求职英语作文200字

How to apply for a job_怎样求职英语作文200字
Recently many people begin to find jobs on internet. Instead of looking for a job in a personnel market or in the ads of newspapers or magazines a job hunter tends to look for a job on the Net. Because of its convenience, high success rate and more opportunities on the Internet In fact many people now resort to the way of hunting for jobs less depending upon the traditional way.
There are many advantages that people take advantage of this modern scientific and technological product—Internet. Firstly it"s very convenient. A job seeker can look for a job without bothering to get recommendation or wasting time at an employment exchange. Secondly it"s quite simple. A job hunter can get a job by simply clicking the ads online and sending one"s resume through an E-mail. Lastly it"s fair for everyone can utilize this modern means to win his or her opportunities even if one fails to find a job.
In a word with the increasing popularity of Internet I think this new way of hunting for jobs will win favor among many job hunters in China.


尊敬的领导:您好!衷心的感谢您在百忙之中翻阅我的这份材料,并祝愿贵单位事业欣欣向荣,蒸蒸日上!  我是西南大学经济管理学院工商管理专业业生,自从进入大学之后,高考后的轻松、获知被录取的喜悦随风而逝,因为我得从新开始,继续努力奋斗,迎接新的挑战。大学四年是我思想、知识结构及心理、生长成熟的四年。惠于浓厚的学习、创新氛围,熔融其中的我成为了一名复合型人才。时光飞逝,我将怀着我童年的梦想、青年的理想离开我的母校,走上工作岗位。从入学以来,我一直把它铭记在心,立志要在大学四年里全面发展自己,从适应社会发展的角度提高个人素质。将来真正能在本职工作上做出成绩,为家人争光。  我以“严”字当头,在学习上勤奋严谨,对课堂知识不懂就问,力求深刻理解。在掌握了本专业知识的基础上,不忘拓展自己的知识面,对课外知识也有比较广泛的涉猎。我还很重视英语的学习,不断努力扩[文章来源于]大词汇量,英语交际能力也有了长足的进步。同时,为了全面提升个人素质,我积极参加各种活动,这些经历使我认识到团结合作的重要性,也学到了很多社交方面的知识,增加了阅历,相信这对我今后投身社会将起重要作用。  现在,我以满腔的热情,准备投身到现实社会这个大熔炉中,虽然存在很多艰难困苦,但我坚信,大学生活给我的精神财富能够使我战胜它们。  “长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海”,希望贵公司能给我一个发展的平台,我会好好珍惜它,并全力以赴,为实现自己的人生价值而奋斗,为贵公司的发展贡献力量。  此致

篇三:[求职信英文]My Deskmate_我的同桌英语写人作文120字

My Deskmate_我的同桌英语写人作文120字
Tom,a short boy, is my deskmate. We are good friends. In our spare time, we often play basketball or go to some parties. He is a clever boy,but he often forgets things.
He invited me to see a film named American Cap 3. I was very happy and went to the cinema with him.While we stood in front of the cinema. I asked him,"Do you know when the film is on?""En,I forget.But don"t worry,I wrote it in my notebook."He said,"Since I had a notebook,I can remember everything and never forget."And where"s your notebook?" I asked him."It is in my,…En…,oh my god!I forgot to take it!"He said.
So,what should i do with him?


If we want to complete tasks efficiently and effectively,it is necessary for people to work with each other. In modern society,the spirit of team work has been attached much importance to.
It is generally believed that cooperation is of great vital to the final success of a team.Without cooperation,a person is unable to succeed,especially in this increasingly interdependent society.By cooperation,strengths of each member of a group can be integrated so that the goal can be achieved easily.
To sum up,it is significant for people to cooperate with others.Only when we work together,can the ultimate success be achieved from which each individual can benefit a lot.






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