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时间:2018-10-01 来源:说明文 点击:



  Hu Kaili,a girl o f 16,has been living in Beijing ever since she was born in 1982.She now lives at 381 Fucheng Road of the city.At the age of 6 in 1988,she went to school at Guanghui Primary School.Six years later,she graduated from the school and became a middle school student at Xiahua Middle School in Beijing.She is now still studying there.Kaili likes sports.She often plays basketball after school,goes swimming in summer and skating in winter.As a result,she enjoys good health.Kaili has a hobby.She has been collecting stamps for years.


  My son is very bright.He has a high intelligence,but he doesn"t do well in school.I have paid a lot of money for private teachers to help him;I have sent him to two private schools because I thought that the education was better than that in public schools.I have bought him books and computer discos.Still he doesn"t do well in school.This proves that the meaning of the saying "You can lead a horse to water,but you can"t make him drink" is that you can give someone all the opportunities for success,but you can"t make the person successful.




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