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题目: Of Haze

学生姓名陈艳梅指导教师 夏丽云

二级学院 外国语学院 专 业英语

班 级 11 英语(1)班 学 号1111101002

课程名称 美英报刊选读得分

2018 年 5 月10日

Of Haze


A Bachelor’s Thesis

Presented to

The School of Foreign Languages

Jinling Institute of Technology


In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirements for the

Reading Course in News Publications



Chen Yanmei

May 10, 2018


It has been years since we paid attention to protecting the environment, however, the environment gets more and more serious rather than better. In the film Private Custom , we make apologies to the sun, for we can’t see it clearly because of the haze; we make apologies to polluted river---- the mother who nurtures us, for it is stink because of contamination and it may be unwilling to continue to nurture us; we make apologies to the soil, for we are so greedy of extraction of oil that the soil is infertile…“PM2.5”and “Haze” have already been familiar to us, especially in Beijing and Nanjing. Living in Nanjing, I experienced the haze and had a deep thought about it. So, making use of the opportunity, I will talk it through.

Key Words : Haze; Nanjing; harm; reason; solutions

1. Introduction

The longest distance in the world is that I couldn’t see Chairman Mao even though I am right in front of the Tiananmen! Nowadays,“PM2.5”and “Haze” have already been familiar to us, especially in Beijing and Nanjing. One of the most popular iPad apps in Beijing at present is China Air Pollution Index. The app is both addictive and disturbing. I checked the numbers and discovered that the AQ level, which measures fine particulates that are especially dangerous, was 250 – about five times the level deemed safe.

Living in Nanjing, I experienced the haze. At that time, all the middle school students had two days off to keep away from the haze. However, we university students had classes as usual. Maybe we are stronger than middle school students, but even they are kept indoors, it is hard to escape from the harm of haze. So, let’s talk about haze in the following aspect.

The definition of haze

WHO guidelines say average concentrations of the tiniest pollution particles - called PM2.5 - should be no more than 25 microgrammes per cubic metre. Air is unhealthy above 100 microgrammes and at 300, all children and elderly people should remain indoors.

With the deterioration of air quality, haze got worse and worse. Many areas incorporated haze into the fog together as weather warning forecasting. In fact, there is a big difference between fog and haze in some ways. For example: fog occurs when the air is humid, while haze occurs when the air is relatively dry, the relative air humidity is usually below 60%. Its formation is due to a large number of very fine uniform floating dust particles, soot, salt, etc. in the air, causing the effective horizontal visibility less than 10KM air turbidity. Diurnal variation haze obscured. When there is no large change in the air mass, haze lasts for a long time, sometimes over more than 10 days. Because the haze, mist, dust storms, blowing sand, dust, smoke and other weather phenomena are caused by floating in the air and a lot of very fine dust or smoke particles , etc. resulting in effective horizontal visibility is less than 10KM. So sometimes it is difficult for weather professionals to distinguish them. In order to draw the right conclusions, weather professionals must combined the weather background, sky conditions, air humidity, odor and color satellite monitoring and other factors to make a comprehensive analysis, but sometimes fog and haze can interchange .

The harm of haze

The haze will affect not only health of people but also the economic, as well as the future of China.

First, once inhaled, the tiny particles can make people more vulnerable to respiratory infections, as well as leading to increased mortality from lung cancer and heart disease. We all know that losing a family member is how sorrowful, so haze may destroy not only a person, but

also a family. Second, a number of foreigners won’t go to China for travelling because of haze, which will bring a loss to our economic. Third, the decline of economic will in turn weaken national power. After all, economic decides politics and culture. In this way, it will be difficult for us to make China Dream come true.

Fog and haze are " killer " for patients with cardiovascular disease, especially for those who with respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, the elderly. They had better not go out, nor do morning exercises, otherwise, it may induce the disease, or a heart attack, even causing life-threatening. Experts point out that the reason why fog and haze are "dangerous days" for patients with cardiovascular disease is that the air pressure is low, oxygen decreases in the air when there is haze, so it's easy to feel tightness in chest. The wet morning mist is cold, which can easily lead to fluctuations in blood pressure, vascular spasm, cardiac load and so on. Meanwhile, some pathogens can cause headaches fog, and even induce high blood pressure, stroke and other diseases. Therefore, to avoid danger, people with cardiovascular disease, especially the elderly and infirm, should not go out or do morning exercise in the haze day.

In one word, haze is harmful to everyone and everything. And the harm can be direct or indirect, so it is difficult for us to escape from it. Realizing the harm, we ought to find out the reasons and take relative steps to prevent it.

The reasons for haze

Pollution in China is now so bad that it threatens to obscure the vision being laid out by Xi Jinping, the new president. Mr. Xi has popularised the idea of a "Chinese dream", an obvious foil to the American dream. His dream seems to involve increasing wealth at home and increasing power abroad.

But the choking smog suggests that the leadership needs to rethink its national goals. After all, what is the point of rapid economic growth if it creates cities in which it is dangerous to breathe? One study, published in The Lancet medical journal last year, suggested that air pollution might have caused about 1.2m premature deaths in China in 2010 alone – a considerable figure even for a country of 1.3bn people. Beijing has registered a 60 per cent rise in lung cancer cases in the past decade.

With pollution that bad, otherwise innocent sights take on a sinister aspect. Ma Jun, a prominent environmental activist, says that on days when the smog envelops the city he winces when he sees children playing football outdoors. Indeed many schools, foreign and Chinese, now forbid kids from playing outside on bad days.

The pollution in Beijing is also an international embarrassment. The government went to great lengths to show the city off at its best during the 2008 Olympics, yet now the first thing any foreign visitor wants to talk about is the pollution, and many expats talk about leaving.

Even allowing for the installation of air filters in official residences, China's leaders have to breathe the same air as their citizens. So one might expect them to make pollution their top priority. But the signs are that rapid growth remains goal number one.

That is partly because, in recent decades, the government has derived its legitimacy from growth. Officials speak with justifiable pride about the hundreds of millions of people who have


关于雾霾的论文 雾是气温低于露点时,近地面空气中水汽凝结而形成的,如果雾升高离开地面就变成了云。它是一种由大量水滴或冰晶微粒组成的乳白色的悬浮体系,空气相对湿度接近100%,在工厂附近等悬浮颗粒物浓度较大的地方,则会呈现出土黄灰色。雾的产生会使空气的水平能见度降低,据此又可以区分为轻雾、雾、大雾和浓雾。轻雾通常在早晚产生,水平能见度在1~10公里;雾的能见度在0.5~1公里;大雾的能见度在100~500米;浓雾时能见度小于100米。 霭在汉字字典中的解释是云气和轻雾,在气象学中则指的是气体中悬浮有微小水滴的现象,当霭出现时,水平能见度一般比雾出现的时候要高,通常在10公里以上。由于目前城市空气中悬浮颗粒物较多,提供了大量的水汽凝结核,因而霭出现的也较多,据报道,深圳市一年当中有100多天都出现了霭这种天气现象。但是霭是一个不大严格的概念,因而在气象学中较少用到。 霾这个字在史书中是用来表示有风沙的天气的,有“风而雨土为霾”之说。在气象学中霾是一种天气现象,是指大量极细微的干尘粒均匀的浮游在空中,使水平能见度小于10公里的空气普遍混浊现象,霾使远处光亮物体微带黄、红色,使黑暗物体微带蓝色,当水汽凝结加剧、空气湿度增大时,霾就会转化为雾。霾的形成与污染物的排放密切相关,城市中机动车尾气以及其它烟尘排放源排出粒径在微米级的细小颗粒物,停留在大气中,当逆温、静风等不利于扩散的天气出现时,就形成霾。







2017年1月份以来,全国中东部地区陷入严重的雾霾和污染天中,中央气象台将大雾蓝色预警升级至黄色预警。从东北到西北,从华北到中部导致黄淮、江南地区,都出现了大范围的重度和严重污染。 这种现象值得我们高度重视。






再次,相关部门加强问责,建立区域联防联控机制 。李克强总理在谈空气治理时提到:我们必须有所作为。这也要求我们作为政府部门要加强环境污染的权责划分,明确各个工作人员的职责,杜绝环境保护等相关部门形同虚设的情况。遇到问题、正视问题、解决问题,从而使环保标准得到切实有效地落实。



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